Opening Rally at Mount Tomah

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Photos by Tim Shellshear and Jeremy Morris. Report by Jeremy Morris

The best way to view the photographs below is to click on an image to enlarge it and then click on the arrows to go through the entire collection. Read the report below.


February 9, 2025
By Jeremy Morris

Given the tragedy earlier in the week with the loss of our dear friend and member, Brian Wilson, members of the committee were concerned about whether we should hold the Opening Rally, for a host of obvious reasons. After all, it was going to be hard to celebrate the opening of the VSCCA year.

But when it became clear that the junior members closest to those events (Josh Wilson, Henry and William Morris)  were determined to attend, and be in the company of their fellow club members, we took the chance to proceed.

Members would just have to choose whether they attended or not.

As it happened we had a great turnout including-

Graeme Louk and Rebecca in the MGA, Eric and Jacqui Taylor in the Delage, the Presidential Fraser Nash, John and Christine Hurst in the great little Lancia Fulvia 1.3, Tim Shellshear and Don Harrington with a smuggled dog (busted!), Steve Morley and Josh (not a FIAT), Kate Guilfoyle and junior member Imogen Morris (modern), Phil O’Loan with his magnificent MGA, Rees and Robin Mackay, Christo Morris with Henry and Will Morris and junior Toby Shinfield, Noel McIntosh in the NSX, Jeremy and Naomi Weston, Don Young, Richard Lamrock and Hilary,  Rob Jardine and ….a raft of Shinfields with poor Jackson having the privilege a driving lesson on his L plates in a sixties Mustang.

 Others came and went throughout the day.

The heroes of the event must be Stuart Gamble and Michelle who drove the ex-Tony Caldersmith Miller/Amilcar competition car in the manner it should be. This car constructed by Tony years ago demonstrates that a vintage special can be close to visual perfection. It sounded fabulous as they roared up through the foothills.

Speaking of which, Steve Morley was travelling behind a couple of Landcruisers with enormous antennae, heading up through and beyond Kurrajong. Having his own CB radio, Steve was able to overhear their conversation referring to Stuart:

Vehicle 1: Did you see the old guy in the billycart?

Vehicle 2: Yeah. I have a feeling he is going to catch and overtake us!

The one thing that was obvious was the number of junior members in attendance- Toby and Jackson Shinfield, Jeremy and Naomi Weston, Josh Wilson, Imogen Morris, and Henry and William Morris. They hung out together. They engaged in conversation with the other members as they wandered around. Fine young people.

Returning to the Botanic Gardens.

The Mt Tomah Botanic Gardens web page declares “Discover a showcase of local and imported cool climate plants and basalt cap forests, surrounded by UNESCO World Heritage Area wilderness. Enjoy the tranquillity on the walking trails, wander the plant displays, or take a pitstop at the restaurant with views of the scenic mountains.” The scenery sure did not disappoint.

Mostly accurate, but unknown to most, the Gardens restaurant had closed the week before the Club’s visit. One member (who shall remain nameless) remarked humorously “it had all the hallmarks of a great VSCCA event, poorly organised, café closed last week, no plan, ambling along talking to whoever”. There were no speeches. Friends exchanged greetings and drifted off into the gardens in small groups to explore. Some sat and pondered.

In fact, coming after the tragic event earlier in the week, this turned out to be the perfect event. Peaceful, surrounded by nature at its best, with time to talk with friends, or not, and to reflect, as one pleased.


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