Upcoming VSCCA Events
10:00 am10:00



Saturday 13 April - FIAT Club Grounds

Ansell Park, Percival Street, CLARENDON  NSW  2756

Invited clubs: Veteran Car Club, Riley Club and Vintage Drivers’ Club                 

Getting there. Location of the event
You will find the Fiat Club Grounds at Percival Street in Clarendon, next to the Richmond Royal Australian Air Force base. Entry is via a driveway with a small sign saying “Ansell Park, Private Property”. 

About the event
The VSCCA, in conjunction with the Alvis Car Club, is putting on another day of driving tests at the FIAT club grounds. Nestled off the road and set amongst established deciduous trees there are two flat mown areas for separate driving activities. There are between 6 and 8 tests of driving skill here which are gentle on vehicles and drivers.

Younger people can participate as passengers who will be challenged with their own tests.

People who have never driven a vintage car can get some practice in a separate paddock area, where they can come to terms with vintage steering brakes and gear changes. This was very popular last year. If they feel confident enough they can head out and take the tests.

Lunch will be a “bring your own picnic”
There are BBQ facilities available. Lunch was held under the trees, sitting on running boards, and without flies.

There are toilets but no other facilities, so bring your own morning tea, picnic lunch, and chairs. Dogs and children are welcome on a lead.

A relaxed, country-style event, within an hour of central Sydney
This is a great introduction for children, grandchildren, friends and other relatives who may wish to attempt the vintage experience. Apart from anything else, it is one of the nicest picnic areas we will have for the day. See photos from prior years.

For planning purposes, please let us know if you will be attending and how many others you plan to bring with you. Click the RSVP button below to send us an email.

We hope to see you there!

Jeremy Morris
0437 883 098

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ANZAC Day Rally
9:00 am09:00

ANZAC Day Rally

Anzac Day Rally

Fagan Park Open Day

Friday, 25 April 2025

Netherby Homestead

Join Us for ANZAC Day at Fagan Park!

Friends of Fagan Park Open Day

Friday, 24 April 29025

Fagan Park covers 55 hectares with themed gardens, playgrounds, historic Netherby Cottage and an Eco Garden and more. The museum buildings will be open and the restored engines and early farm machinery will be on display and running.

The homestead is over a century old, having been built in 1900 by Sam Fagan. It was where the Fagan family lived for multiple generations. Bruce and Ida Fagan, two of Sam's kids, donated the land to the Department of Lands in 1980.

VSCCA participation

The Friends of Fagan Park have invited the VSCCA to participate in the ANZAC Open Day by providing a display of interesting early vehicles that allow our members to get out for a great run.

With assistance from the Friends, we plan to provide breakfast around 9 am, then enjoy a tour of the exhibits. There are also excellent, themed gardens to explore.

Costs and what you need to bring

To keep the catering simple, you will need to bring your own plates/cups/silverware and chairs. We anticipate a small charge of $20 per head will cover our costs and donations.

You may also like to bring a picnic lunch for later in the day.

Expressions of interest are requested NOW

We’d like to know how many members are interested in participating. Please email Rex and Norah at rexvincent1940@gmail.com if you plan to come.

A firm confirmation will be needed by 18 April for catering purposes.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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Historic Winton
to 25 May

Historic Winton

48th Historic Winton Races

Presented by the Austin 7 Club Inc

For the first time, Historic Winton will run without motorcycles. The upgraded safety standards and stringent track permit conditions set by the motorcycle insurers require some modifications to the Winton Motor Raceway facilities, so the inclusion of motorcycles has been suspended.

Conducted by the Austin 7 Club Inc A0003290N, Winton is Australia’s longest-running, all-historic motor race meet. It is one of rural Victoria's most significant sporting events, drawing participants and spectators nationwide. This iconic ‘city meets country’ event features yesteryear's grandeur and pace at the spectacular rural location of Winton Motor Raceway.


Winton Motor Raceway, Huntley St, Winton, VIC 3673, Australia
(Near Benalla, Victoria)


Visit Enjoy Benalla (Benalla Rural City Council)

Call Winton Motor Raceway on 03 5760 7100 to book trackside camping.

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Brass Monkey's Camping Weekend
to 29 June

Brass Monkey's Camping Weekend


Brass Monkeys Camping @ Turon Gates

Friday, 27 June to Sunday, 29 June 2025

Arrivals between 11 am and 8 on ONLY

Turon Gates offers something for everyone - camping, glamping and cabins.

Capertee NSW 2846

Booking office: +61 (0)2 9969 3818

Email: book (@) turongates.com

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Cootamundra Sprints 2025
8:30 am08:30

Cootamundra Sprints 2025


Saturday, 30 August 2o25


Scrutineering                                From 8.30 am  

Drivers’ briefing                           9:30 am 

First run                                         10:00 am

Last run                                          3:00 pm

 EARLY BIRD Discount - $120
If you pay for your entry before the close of business on 1 August 2025, the Entry Fee will be reduced to $120.00. 

LATER ENTRIES received after 1 August 2025 will be charged at $150 per entrant.

DINNER Saturday Night will be at the Cootamundra Services Club @ $35 per head, payable with your entry. Please let us know how many of you will be coming. 

We highly recommend you book your accommodation now for this event.

Please advise your preferred number at the earliest opportunity. Click the buttons below to access the Entry forms and supplementary regulations.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with Jeremy Morris on 0437 883 098.

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VCCQ 70th Anniversary Hub Rally
to 27 Sept

VCCQ 70th Anniversary Hub Rally

  • Vintage Sports Car Club of Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

VCCQ 70th Anniversary Rally

Armidale Hub

22 - 27 September 2025

The Vintage Car Club of Qld (VCCQ) has invited VSCCA members to their 70th Anniversary Hub Rally based in Armidale from the 22 to 27 f September 2025.

Accommodation and Bookings

Accommodation is at the Country Comfort Motor inn 02-6772 8511. You need to ring them and book your own accommodation. IMPORTANT:  Be sure to say you are attending the VCCQ anniversary rally, from the 22 to 26 September 2025, departing on 27 September.

Rally details
The flyer below provides an outline of planned activities. There will be a $50 entry fee.

RSVP if you are interested
Please let the VCCQ know if you want to join in for what should be a great week. 

Barry Morris, VCCQ President
0431 812 173

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Isabella Invitational
to 2 Oct

Isabella Invitational


Sunday, 28 September 2025 to Thursday, 2 October 2025
(covering both the NSW and Victoria school holidays).

Venue:   “Rosewood” Homestead

Organiser:   Christo Morris
0438 807 896

Number of entrants:
Limited to 25 cars

Any and only veteran and vintage cars built prior to 31 December 1931. 

Condition of Entry:
It is a condition of entry that if you have a spare seat, you must offer it to an attendee who does not have an operational vintage car. So, if you do not have a car, please contact us, and we will try to find you a ride.

This event will be run on remote and empty rural roads. Rosewood can only be accessed by gravel roads.  Therefore, every day will have some gravel.  The third day will have a lot of gravel, but the roads will have spectacular scenery not often seen.


Sunday, 28 September – arrival and set up.  Dinner.

Monday, 29 September – Isabella to Bathurst.  Very little gravel. Breakfast/brunch at Bathurst.  Driving mainly on reasonable sealed roads.  Lunch at a venue to be organised.  Return to Isabella.  Dinner.

Tuesday, 30 September – breakfast and dinner at Isabella. The Duocentocinquanta Miglia (250 miles in Italian). There will be a shorter route available for slower cars.

Wednesday, 1 October – Observation rally on gravel roads.  There will be a less-gravel-road alternative. Return to Isabella for gymkhana.  Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Thursday, 2 October – Breakfast and departure.

Photo by Amy Morris


Rosewood homestead has limited bedroom and bathroom facilities. However, there will be accommodation in the house for entrants over the age of 70 years or with specific needs. 

Other entrants will camp or stay in sheds.  Hot showers and toilet facilities will be provided for all. Trailering to Rosewood is recommended for small or slower cars and trailer parking is provided.

Every effort has been made to reduce costs to entrants.

Entry Fee:     

  • Entry fee is $100 per car to cover various expenses. 

  • VSCCA Junior members - entry fee is $20 per car.


Meals will be provided at cost.  Other meals will be taken at cafes or hotels and will be paid for on an individual basis en route.

  • Cost $180 per adult for the four days (excluding meals purchased en route).

  • Cost $80 for the four days for junior members of VSCCA or children under 14 years.

Don’t miss out!


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TRACK DAY @ Pheasant Wood
9:00 am09:00

TRACK DAY @ Pheasant Wood

Pheasant Wood Track Day

SUNDAY, 9 March 2025

Pheasant Wood Circuit, Marulan, NSW

The All Historic Racing Committee has invited VSCCA members for an informal track day at Pheasant Wood. This will be a timed event but there is no competition. There is speed grading of entrants.

Enjoy a great day of low-cost motorsport.

Put the date in the diary, get your car running and await further details.


Pheasants Wood is located on Jerrara Rd 9km south/west from Marulan Township. Extensive improvements have been made to the site of the former driver training facility to allow uninterrupted views of the entire track from many spectator viewing areas.


Please see our website www.pheasantwood.com.au for catering and circuit details.

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Opening Rally @ Mount Tomah
9:00 am09:00

Opening Rally @ Mount Tomah

Opening Rally @ Mount Tomah

Discover a showcase of local and imported cool climate plants and basalt cap forests, surrounded by UNESCO World Heritage Area wilderness. Enjoy the tranquillity on the walking trails, wander the plant displays, or take a pitstop at the restaurant with views of the scenic mountains.

Meeting place, The Kiosk

Members will meet at the kiosk, situated near the cafe on the way in, near the a lovely formal garden and the eucalyptus lawn.

The Kiosk area is an outdoor covered space with tables and seating, situated close to the Visitor Centre and amenities.


Bells Line of Road
Mount Tomah, NSW 2758

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Bathurst 12 Hour Race Camp Weekend
to 3 Feb

Bathurst 12 Hour Race Camp Weekend

  • Vintage Sports Car Club of Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Bathurst 12-Hour Race Camp Weekend

Friday, 31 January to Monday, 3 February 2025

What’s covered on this page

  1. Costs

  2. Entry form

  3. Facilities

  4. Further information

  5. Information Flyer

  6. Registration and Payment details

  7. What to bring

For those who have not been before:

1.  Arrival and Departure - the organisers aim to arrive by 4 pm on Friday 31st January 2025 and free to stay until Monday morning when we decamp.

2.  You can have access to your campsite/grounds from Wednesday, 29th March 2025, but everyone generally turns up on the Friday.

3. The organisers provide dinner and good wine each night.  The idea is to bring people together in a communal situation.  The meals are:

(A)     Friday night – seafood fresh from the markets – oysters, prawns, smoked salmon, mussels, bread and salad.

(B)     Saturday night - curry night with all accompaniments.

(C)      Sunday night - pasta night.


4.   The dinner cost is $35 per person including wine.  Children under 16 years $15 per child.

5.   Campsite cost is $260 per site if you register and pay before the 15th November 2024, otherwise the camp site fee is $300.  Note: One vehicle per site.  You can have four people per site.  (PS If you have more people, we can work something out.)

6.        All excess proceeds (if any!) go to the Club coffers to promote historic motorsport.


7.        We will have a port-a-loo at our site exclusively for our camp.

8.        There are taps with potable water nearby but no power.

9.        We will have a TV in the mess tent to watch the race.

10.      Bring your own beer (or other beverage) in cans – no glass. Daily limits apply.

11.      There are showers and a toilet block nearby.

12.      We have tea and coffee making facilities available in the mess tent.

13.      You will need to supply your own breakfast and lunch, there are various food stalls around the track.

14.      There will be a 40 km old car run on the Saturday morning and we will stop at “The Hub” in Rocket Street for breakfast.  Limit of 20 people for a booking.  This is a 7.30 departure (sharp).  Let us know as soon as possible.

15.      Camping gear and knife, fork and spoon, plate, cup is NOT provided.

16.      You will need to buy separate spectator entry tickets for each attendee, this can be done online bathurst12hour.com.au or purchased at the main entry gate nearest pit straight when you arrive.

Registration and Payment

17.      Fill out the form and return to Alistair Palmer; alistair.palmer@me.com by 15th November 2024 to secure your camp site for the discounted rate of $260 and we make no guarantees there will be sites left available after this date, after 15th November payment is $300.

18.      Make your payment to the VSCCA account, by the 15th November 2024 for the discounted camp site of $260, otherwise $300.

Please mark your payment for the campsite and dinner for each person

“Bath & Surname” BSB:  082-443 ACC:  1666 70215

Further information:

(A)     Jeremy Morris – 0437 883 098 – compliments

(B)     Todd Barker – 0409 302 507 – complaints

Minimum items to bring for each person

1.    Tickets to event – purchase at bathurst12hour.com.au or purchased at the main entry gate nearest pit straight

2.    Tent (or other accommodation)

3.    Collapsible chair

4.    Plate

5.    Bowl

6.    Cup

7.    Knife, fork, spoon

8.    Stretcher/lilo

9.    Bedding

10. Toiletries including towel

11.  Thongs/crocs (shower block)

12. Sunscreen

13. Insect repellent

14. Hat

15. Drinks of choice

Please note:            

  • Glass is prohibited (we will decant some good white and red wines and bring along)

  • Only one car per site, No fireworks or weapons, No burnouts

  •  No open fires (a drum is ok), No petrol canisters over 5L

  • No couches or lounges, Campsites are 8x8m – there is water,  but no power available at the camp sites

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8:30 am08:30



Wednesday, 4 December 2024

One Raceway or Pheasant Wood (Circuit TBA)

GEAR have invited VSCCA members to participate in their highly successful GEAR Days.

With an entry fee of just $220 ( which includes a carport or garage, subject to availability).  Join in the excitement, mingle with your mates, and take in the sites and sounds as GEAR fires into action for another year of intoxicating enjoyment. You won't be disappointed!


Entry Fee: $220.

$ 250 for a late entry ( entries received after the 18 September.

Entry fees include a carport or garage subject to availability.

Entries are by email or post. For more details and entry forms, phone or email Laraine Whitehouse.

  • Mobile: 0408 786 685 (Please no phone calls after 8.00 pm)

  • Post to: 63 Carrick Rd. Carrick NSW 2580.


Cheque - received by the closing date, made payable to GEAR Inc.

Direct debit - Golden Era Auto Racing Club Inc. Westpac Manly    BSB: 032 294     Account: 135512

Please use the reference the “Month”, your initial and surname, or part thereof. (eg: “MONTH” A McMaster). 

If depositing at your bank and you are unable to use this reference, please use your GEAR membership number as a reference or advise Laraine of your alternative reference details if you are not a GEAR member.

For further information please contact

Laraine Whitehouse ( Event Secretary)
0408 786 685 ( No phone calls after 8.00 pm)

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George Green Rally
to 25 Oct

George Green Rally

  • Vintage Sports Car Club of Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The George Green Rally

Monday 21 – Friday 25 October 2024

Those who have booked Motels need to return the tour cost to the Club by 10th September. If you have not received the booking form by email please contact rexvincent1940@gmail.com without delay.

Tour Details

 Monday, 21 October

The Sydney folk will meet at "Pie In The Sky“ in Cowan for morning tea any time after 9 am, before departing for the Entrance on the old Pacific Highway. We will travel through Woy Woy, Kincumber and Terrigal before arriving at Diggers in the Entrance for lunch. Then it’s onto our Motel at Rutherford for dinner and drinks. Tubby has offered to be our after-dinner speaker and will talk about some early settlers in the Morpeth area and the lovely property “Duckenfield”.

Tuesday, 22 October

We will tour scenic hamlets like Duckenfield with a tea stop at Patterson before heading up and over the Bingleburra Range to lunch at the refurbished Royal Hotel at Dungog. The school children will enjoy inspecting our cars parked outside their school.  Our proposed visit to” Congan” will not be possible due to poor access, so it’s scenic roads back to Maitland and our evening at Club Maitland across the road.


Wednesday, 23 October

It’s off to Forster via Stroud for a cuppa, then through Glouster to Krambach for lunch. We continue on Bucketts Way and cross to Oxley Island where we are invited to visit a large English car and motor bike collection.  We then continue to Forster and our Motel with drinks and Diner at the Bowling Club next door.

Thursday, 24 October

We start the day by visiting the Forster/Tuncurry Marine Rescue facility, an interesting place staffed by volunteers. Then it’s a pleasant drive to Smiths Lake, then out to the spectacular beaches at Seal Rocks where  it is possible to visit the Lighthouse. A BBQ lunch at the Bulahdelah Show Ground is being provided by the local Lion’s Club. Then it’s up the old road to Nabiac and a visit to the extensive" National Motorcycle Museum"  which is not to be missed. There are lots of old cars and collectables as well as 1000 motorcycles.

Friday, 25 October

Enjoy a leisurely drive home after our Breakfast at the motel.

An order for fine weather and fully repaired road surfaces has been placed.

Want to join the Wait List?

A “Wait List” is now started for latecomers, for there may be cancellations. To join that list and advise your interest, email Rex and Norah at rexvincent1940@gmail.com


The venues we have chosen have up to 40 rooms, parking at your door and are reasonably priced. They also have restaurants in-house or within easy walking distance to avoid after-dark busing.


Rex and Norah Vincent,
0411 689 972

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8:30 am08:30



Wednesday, 25 September 2024

One Raceway or Pheasant Wood (Circuit TBA)

GEAR have invited VSCCA members to participate in their highly successful GEAR Days.

With an entry fee of just $220 ( which includes a carport or garage, subject to availability).  Join in the excitement, mingle with your mates, and take in the sites and sounds as GEAR fires into action for another year of intoxicating enjoyment. You won't be disappointed!


Entry Fee: $220.

$ 250 for a late entry ( entries received after the 18 September.

Entry fees include a carport or garage subject to availability.

Entries are by email or post. For more details and entry forms, phone or email Laraine Whitehouse.

  • Mobile: 0408 786 685 (Please no phone calls after 8.00 pm)

  • Post to: 63 Carrick Rd. Carrick NSW 2580.


Cheque - received by the closing date, made payable to GEAR Inc.

Direct debit - Golden Era Auto Racing Club Inc. Westpac Manly    BSB: 032 294     Account: 135512

Please use the reference the “Month”, your initial and surname, or part thereof. (eg: “MONTH” A McMaster). 

If depositing at your bank and you are unable to use this reference, please use your GEAR membership number as a reference or advise Laraine of your alternative reference details if you are not a GEAR member.

For further information please contact

Laraine Whitehouse ( Event Secretary)
0408 786 685 ( No phone calls after 8.00 pm)

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Biennial Veteran and Vintage Vauxhall Rally
to 20 Sept

Biennial Veteran and Vintage Vauxhall Rally

Veteran and Vintage Vauxhall Rally
Orange is our Rally headquarters

The Ambassador Motel in Orange is the go for our accommodation and rally headquarters. The motel offers space for parking and turning - and there is room for trailers.

We have booked 40 rooms at the Ambassador Motel (02 6393 7500) in Orange from 16 September to 21 September 2024. These rates include a cooked breakfast and a 2-course dinner.

  • Single rooms on the ground floor, $260.00 per room per night

  • Single rooms on the second floor, $250.00 per room per night

  • Twin share/Double rooms on the ground floor, $325.00 per room per night

  • Twin share /Double room on the second floor, $315.00 per room per night

The types of rooms on hold for us include: 

  • 22 deluxe rooms - located on the second floor

  • 15 Executive rooms - located on the ground floor

  • 3 family rooms on the ground floor, same rate as executive rooms

Rooms are being held until 31 December 2023
Credit card details are required at the time of booking to secure the rooms. There is a 48-hour cancellation policy. Anything after that will incur a 1-night cancellation fee.

Book now to secure your rally accommodation

Ambassador Motel, Orange - 02 6393 7500
174 Bathurst Road Orange 2800

Dave Stuart
mobile 04 2828 2360
email tubby2360@gmail.com

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VSCCA 80th Anniversary Celebrations
12:15 pm12:15

VSCCA 80th Anniversary Celebrations


Sunday, 15 September 2024

The Louise Lennon Pavilion for a catered lunch
St Ives Showground, Mona Vale Road

Arrive 12.15 for 12.45 pm VSCCA GROUP PHOTO

Parking: Picnic area 2/3, adjacent to the Louise Lennon Pavilion


As we mark 80 years of the VSCCA, we are not just looking back but we are also celebrating the future. We are shining the spotlight on the energy of our younger vintage car enthusiasts with our Junior members showcasing their projects. 

Get ready to strike a pose with your car! Join us for a fun-filled day as we capture unforgettable moments with all our members and their beloved vehicles. Don't miss out on being part of an historic VSCCA GROUP PHOTOGRAPH.

Enjoy a delicious catered lunch featuring spit roast lamb, pork, and chicken served with a side of potatoes, bread, and fresh salads. Vegetarian options will also be available. 

We want to meet all your little gearheads, grandkids, nieces, nephews, and friends who are curious about the VSCCA or vintage cars.

We have reserved parking and will ask everyone to bring their club car.


EARLY BIRD - $20 p/person Anniversary Lunch paid BEFORE 1 August 2024.

FULL PRICE - $30 p/person Anniversary Lunch paid AFTER 1 August 2024.




  1. You can register and pay for the event online. Just click the button below.

2. Or, you can download, complete and email the entry form to us and transfer funds into the VSCCA account.

RSVP asap - no later than 31 August

Show some love by committing early and helping us with the logistics and catering. If you are unable to join us, please let us know.

We have much to celebrate and hope you will join us if possible.

Jeremy Morris, VSCCA President

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Pheasant Wood Historic Racing
to 8 Sept

Pheasant Wood Historic Racing

  • Pheasant Woods Circuit (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Pheasant Wood Circuit, Marulan, NSW

Pre-1961 Sports and Racing Cars
Pre-1963 Sidecars and Bikes

Help keep historic racing alive!

The VSCCA supports historic racing, as one of the cornerstones of its foundations so we are pleased that the Pheasant Wood Motor racing circuit has invited the VSCCA to a weekend of All Historic Motor Racing.

Historic racing as it used to be!

If you were part of the early days of all historic racing in Australia, you will remember what it is all about - enthusiastic amateur racing, a strong feeling of community, a welcoming atmosphere and some seriously, good fun!

If you were not a part of those early days, come join us and discover the fun! The organisers are committed to providing participants with:

  • Low entry fees.

  • Close enjoyable racing in divisional groups based on race times

  • Regularity Trials in a comfortable space and pace

  • A warm welcoming atmosphere and a genuine sense of community

  • Free Dorian timers - for those who need one

  • The best officials in Australia - and No protests

  • Care and respect for ALL - the people, the vehicles, the community and the past

You'll find we offer a spirit of adventure for the future of Historic Racing and will conform to the Covid Pandemic Protocols as required on the day.

For further information

Contact Scott on (02) 4841 1422 or email scott@pheastantwood.com.au


Pheasants Wood is located on Jerrara Rd 9km south/west of Marulan Township. Extensive improvements have been made to the site of the former driver training facility to allow uninterrupted views of the entire track from many spectator viewing areas.


Practice for all groups will commence at 9 am on Saturday.

  • Racing from 1 pm Saturday and racing for all groups from 9 am Sunday.

  • Free entry to the pit area to closely inspect the Historic machines will be a feature of the weekend.

Please see our website www.pheasantwood.com.au for catering and circuit details.

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Cootamundra Sprints 2024
8:30 am08:30

Cootamundra Sprints 2024


Saturday, 31 August 2o24


Scrutineering                                From 8.30 am  

Drivers’ briefing                           9:30 am 

First run                                         10:00 am

Last run                                          3:00 pm


The Committee is pleased to announce that after initial difficulties organising dates, the dates for the Vintage Sports Car Club of Australia 2024 Cootamundra Sprints has been confirmed for Saturday, 31 August 2024.

Increased costs - Entry fee now $150
We have been struck by increasing costs, with timing costs, St John’s Ambulance, and aerodrome hire.  Accordingly, the entry fee is now $150.

If you pay for your entry before close of business on 1 August 2024, the Entry Fee will be reduced to $120.00. 

LATER ENTRIES received after 1 August 2024 will be charged at $150 per entrant.

DINNER Saturday Night will be at the Cootamundra Services Club @ $35 per head, payable with your entry. Please let us know how many of you will be coming. 

We highly recommend you book your accommodation now for this event.

Please advise your preferred number at the earliest opportunity. Click the buttons below to access the Entry forms and supplementary regulations.

Any question, please contact Jeremy Morris on jeremymorris@13stjames.net.au

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CMC Display Day
9:00 am09:00

CMC Display Day

  • Vintage Sports Car Club of Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

VSCCA 80th Anniversary
CMC Annual Display Day

Sunday, 25 August 2024

As The VSCCA was a Founding Member of the CMC, and for the Club’s 80th Anniversary, we will be making a special effort at the CMC Annual Display Day at Sydney Motorsport Park on Sunday 25 August, 2024.

The display will include 5 representative cars in the Special Display in Pit Lane and up to 20 in the General Display. An entry in the Concours is also available.

Those wishing to participate should advise Rees Mackay as soon as possible so that tickets can be ordered. Tickets are $25 per car.

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Mountain Rally
to 11 Aug

Mountain Rally

  • Vintage Sports Car Club of Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

VSCCA Mountain Rally

10 – 11 August 2024


This has been designed as a driving event for those who want to get their vehicles on the mountain roads for some outstanding vintage motoring. ie: not so much of the tea and scones!

Fuel:  YOU NEED TO BE FULLY FUELLED as there is limited fuel on the way.


10:00 am, Saturday 10 August from the Hub Café, Bathurst

OPTIONS (details below)

·        Option 1 - you can travel to Bathurst on Friday and meet for an informal dinner or

·        Option 2 - depart your home on Saturday morning and meet us in Bathurst a 10 am.

It will be very easy straight forward navigation with potential for some minor dirt roads (optional).



1.     Please let rally organiser Alistair Palmer know you are attending; m: 0414 629 926 or alistair.palmer@me.com

2.     Please pay your entry fee of $50 per car, into VSCCA, BSB: 082443 ACC: 166670215

3.     Please arrange your own accommodation for the Friday (optional) and Saturday night.

4.     Please feel free to invite friends and non-club members.

Dinner Friday, breakfast Saturday, dinner Saturday night will be booked by the rally organiser but payment is to be made by the attendee on the day/night. Saturday lunch will be on the road, venue TBA.

Route instructions and maps will be provided prior to leaving Bathurst.

Option 1 “For the Unemployed”

Friday, 9 August
Jeremy and Alistair are proposing to drive up mid-morning Friday. For those wanting to join and travel in a convoy and enjoy some interesting roads, please let either of us know and meet us at Ham Common Playground, opposite Richmond Airbase 9.30am for leaving by 10am sharp Fri 9/8.

Friday night, 9 August -  arrive in Bathurst Friday afternoon / early evening



  • George Hotel, 201 George Street, Bathurst ph: 02 6331 3399 info@thegeorgehotel.pub  
    Drinks from 5.30pm, Dinner from 6pm (at cost to the participant, booking made by rally organisers)

Option 2 “For the Workers”

10 August - Saturday Morning, arrive in Bathurst Saturday morning

Meet at the Hub Café, 52 Keppel St, Bathurst for 10am departure


10 August, Saturday Morning
Head to the Hub Café for breakfast from 7.30am and departure from 10 am

10 August, Saturday Lunch
TBA in the rally notes, but it will be a stop along the way (likely Crookwell or Laggan).

10 August, Saturday Night ACCOMMODATION

You must call and book direct (do not book online) with the Mercure to secure a 10% discount with current rate* (*subject to change) being $220 per night for queen room inclusive of the discount, quote code; G.2872 – VSCCA.

Note: Breakfast is not included in the room rate, but just turn up to breakfast and you can pay direct/add to hotel bill.

Dinner in the Mercure Hotel restaurant - Drinks from 5.30pm, Dinner from 6pm (at cost to the participant, booking made by rally organisers)

11 August, Sunday morning
Breakfast at the Mercure and departure, make own way home…

Costs:           $50 entry fee per vehicle to cover costs.
Dinner, breakfast, accommodation at own cost.

Any questions, please just ask!

Alistair Palmer
Rally organiser and committee member
Vintage Sports Car Club of Australia

M: 0414 629 926
E: alistair.palmer@me.com

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Swap Meet Historic Items
9:00 am09:00

Swap Meet Historic Items

  • Vintage Sports Car Club of Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


27 JULY 2024 - 9 am to 1 pm

134 Queens Road, CANADA BAY

  • Clean out your garage!

  • Take a table!

  • Find that special part for your historic car or motorbike!

  • Speak with experts!


The Veteran Car Club has invited us to participate in a swap meet at the Club rooms on Saturday, 27 July 2024, with set up from 8 am.

If anyone wants to take a table or share a table to clean out their garage or dispose of unwanted parts, please email Jeremy Morris at jeremymorris@13stjames.net.au by 19 July 2024.

This is a wonderful opportunity to find that special part or tool you might be missing for your historic vehicle and to clear out some of your treasures relating to historic vehicles – parts, books, magazines, tools, other memorabilia and interesting items.  Held in conjunction with the Vintage Sports Car Club of Australia this is an opportunity not to be missed. 

If you are interested in a table please email Louise Yeomans secretary@vccansw.org 

Please note space restrictions will apply, so all items must be easily transportable or bring a photo. No unsold items are to remain. Set up time from 8 am on the day.

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Brass Monkeys Camping Weekend @ Lake Lyell
to 21 July

Brass Monkeys Camping Weekend @ Lake Lyell

  • Lake Lyell Recreation Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Lake Lyell (near Lithgow)
Arrive: Saturday, 20 July. Depart Sunday, 21 July 2024

Phil Guilfoyle - 0431 503 763. email philguilfoyle@yahoo.com.au

Lake Lyell Recreation Park.

At Lake Lyell Recreation Park campground on Friday afternoon. We will have the billy boiling. Alternatively, you may wish to drive up together in groups that you organise yourselves.

The Plan:

There is no organised tour for this event. We drive to the interests and conditions on the day. At this stage, we are thinking of heading through O’Connell and having lunch at the pub at Rockley.

There are many alternative activities to suit members' interests (e.g. some might stay and fish, others might visit historic Lithgow). Although Brass Monkeys is informal, it is a VSCCA event and is on the Club calendar.

Lake Lyell Recreation Area includes a well-run campground with all facilities, offering activities like swimming (a bit cold), fishing (bass & trout allegedly) and access to the region (Lithgow, Tarana).

At this time of year, it will be very cold, but hopefully dry. This is the June long weekend.

The driving:

There is great vintage driving in every direction from the campground. It is 12km from Lithgow on Magpie Hollow Road. The roads around the area are beautiful and generally quiet. Some local roads are unsealed, but there are plenty of sealed alternatives.

Camping accommodation:

We have three adjacent un-powered sites at the Lake Lyell Recreation Park. These are sites #59 to #61 on the Lake Lyell site map. If you are interested, please contact Phil (not Lake Lyell) to reserve a place.

There are also powered sites, a cabin, and good facilities but no shop, so you will have to bring all your supplies.  Every site has a fire pit. Firewood can be purchased from the office but you bring your own if possible as we use a lot of wood. Dogs are welcome but must be controlled (owner’s responsibility). There is a boat ramp and trailer parking.

Camping cost: $60

The cost is your camping site fee ($50 for the 2 nights) and the VCCCA Club fee ($10) total of $60 - all payable to the VSCCA before the event.

  • The VSCCA Club entry fee is a $10 flat fee to cover costs (payable to Club prior to the event).                                                                                                                                 

  • The Lake Lyell Recreation Area campsite fee is $50 ($25 per night, payable to Club prior to the event).

  • Other costs are paid by entrants at the campground. These include coin-operated showers and BBQ ($1 each) and firewood from the office ($25 per bag).


  • Payment by EFT into the VSCCA account prior to the event would be appreciated.

  • Identify payment with “BM + your name”.

  • EFT Details: Vintage Sports Car Club of Australia. BSB 082-443 Account 166670215. Alternatively, pay Phil at the campground.

Intention to Attend

Please send an "intention to attend" to event organiser; Phil Guilfoyle on 0431 503 763 or email philguilfoyle@yahoo.com.au

If your plans change, you can always pull out.

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8:30 am08:30



Monday 1 July 2024

Sydney Motorsport Park, Druitt North Circuit, Eastern Creek

GEAR have invited VSCCA members to participate in their highly successful GEAR Days.

With an entry fee of just $220 ( which includes a carport or garage, subject to availability).  Join in the excitement, mingle with your mates, and take in the sites and sounds as GEAR fires into action for another year of intoxicating enjoyment. You won't be disappointed!


Entry Fee: $220.

$ 250 for a late entry ( entries received after the 21 June.

Entry fees include a carport or garage subject to availability.

Entries are by email or post. For more details and entry forms, phone or email Laraine Whitehouse.

  • Mobile: 0408 786 685 (Please no phone calls after 8.00 pm)

  • Post to: 63 Carrick Rd. Carrick NSW 2580.


Cheque - received by the closing date, made payable to GEAR Inc.

Direct debit - Golden Era Auto Racing Club Inc. Westpac Manly    BSB: 032 294     Account: 135512

Please use the reference the “Month”, your initial and surname, or part thereof. (eg: “MONTH” A McMaster). 

If depositing at your bank and you are unable to use this reference, please use your GEAR membership number as a reference or advise Laraine of your alternative reference details if you are not a GEAR member.

For further information please contact

Laraine Whitehouse ( Event Secretary)
0408 786 685 ( No phone calls after 8.00 pm)

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Historic Winton
to 26 May

Historic Winton

47th Historic Winton Races

Presented by the Austin 7 Club Inc in association with the HMRAV.

Tickets Now On Sale

25 and 26 May 2024

About 47th Historic Winton

Winton Motor Raceway, Huntley St, Winton, VIC 3673, Australia
(Near Benalla, Victoria)

Conducted by the Austin 7 Club Inc A0003290N with the assistance of the HMRAV

Historic Winton is Australia’s longest-running, all-historic motor race meeting is one of rural Victoria's most significant sporting events and draws participants and spectators nationwide.

This iconic ‘city meets country’ event will feature all the grandeur and pace of yesteryear at the spectacular rural location of Winton Motor Raceway.

Over 400 historic racing cars, motorbikes and sidecars from the 1920s to the 1980s battle it out for line honours as spectators revel in the races.  Spectators can also visit the competition paddock and see hundreds of much-loved historic vehicles driven to the event by clubs and individual spectators.


We'll let you into a not-so-well-kept secret.  There is B&B Accommodation available in Benalla that is not listed on the major sites.  To snap one up, please contact either Enjoy Benalla (Benalla Rural City Council) or Benalla tourist specialist Visit Benalla.

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Night Trial
4:45 pm16:45

Night Trial

The Night Trials Cometh

Saturday 11 May 2024

Start time: 1700 for 1730 departure (evening civil twilight)

Where:                         The Brookvale Shed
Unit 15, 22-26 Pittwater Road, Brookvale

Duration:                    2 hours followed by dinner.

Cost of dinner:           $25 per person (junior members and kids under 14 free)

Contact:                      Todd Barker 0409.302.507

RSVP to Steve Morley for CATERING PURPOSES BEFORE 8 May 2024
(click the GREEN button below to RSVP)

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TRACK DAY @ Pheasant Wood
9:00 am09:00

TRACK DAY @ Pheasant Wood

Pheasant Wood Track Day


Pheasant Wood Circuit, Marulan, NSW

The All Historic Racing Committee has invited VSCCA members for an informal track day at Pheasant Wood. This will be a timed event but there is no competition. There is speed grading of entrants.

Enjoy a great day of low-cost motorsport.

Put the date in the diary, get your car running and await further details.


Pheasants Wood is located on Jerrara Rd 9km south/west from Marulan Township. Extensive improvements have been made to the site of the former driver training facility to allow uninterrupted views of the entire track from many spectator viewing areas.


Please see our website www.pheasantwood.com.au for catering and circuit details.

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8:30 am08:30



Monday 25 March 2024

Sydney Motorsport Park, Amaroo Circuit, Eastern Creek

GEAR have invited VSCCA members to participate in their highly successful GEAR Days.

With an entry fee of just $220 ( which includes a carport or garage, subject to availability).  Join in the excitement, mingle with your mates, and take in the sites and sounds as GEAR fires into action for another year of intoxicating enjoyment. You won't be disappointed!


Entry Fee: $220.

$ 250 for a late entry ( entries received after the 28th of January).

Entry fees include a carport or garage subject to availability.

Entries are by email or post. For more details and entry forms, phone or email Laraine Whitehouse.

  • Mobile: 0408 786 685 (Please no phone calls after 8.00 pm)

  • Post to: 63 Carrick Rd. Carrick NSW 2580.


Cheque - received by the closing date, made payable to GEAR Inc.

Direct debit - Golden Era Auto Racing Club Inc. Westpac Manly    BSB: 032 294     Account: 135512

Please use the reference the “Month”, your initial and surname, or part thereof. (eg: “MONTH” A McMaster). 

If depositing at your bank and you are unable to use this reference, please use your GEAR membership number as a reference or advise Laraine of your alternative reference details if you are not a GEAR member.

For further information please contact

Laraine Whitehouse ( Event Secretary)
0408 786 685 ( No phone calls after 8.00 pm)

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Twilight Rally
1:00 pm13:00

Twilight Rally

  • Vintage Sports Car Club of Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a Twilight Drive

We will meet at the Cowan Truck Stop by 1.00 pm for a 1.30pm departure with the objective of driving to the St Albans Pub or Wiseman’s Ferry Pub. You can stay for a meal (we have no booking) or head home as you wish.

it is important that you are fully fuelled at the start as there is no fuel along the way.

The Twilight Rally is an excellent opportunity to share your passion and bring along your son, daughter, grandchild, niece or nephew. 

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to 18 Feb


VSCCA Bathurst 12 Hour Race Camping Weekend

16-18 February 2024 (Friday through Sunday)

Venue: Mt Panorama Bathurst

Jeremy Morris -
Tel 9335.3040 or 0437.883.098

Cost: $250 per campsite.  The Club Catering Department will provide dinner for three superior dinners - Friday, Saturday and Sunday (for $35 per dinner per person).  Any surplus proceeds to the Club.  Lunch and breakfast are your individual responsibility, but a stove and utensils will be available. Members must purchase tickets to enter at bathurst12hour.com.au or at the gate. 

Register now! Don’t miss out!

Saturday Breakfast

It has become a tradition that on Saturday morning we undertake a drive of about 30 km in proper cars departing the campsite at 0730 sharp and finishing at the Hub Café in Rocket Street, Bathurst.  You will pay for what you order.  We need to book a table as it has become a popular venue with clubs and the works teams.  If you intend to attend this event, please advise immediately so we can make the necessary booking.

Payment:  Direct debt to VSCCA
BSB:  082-443
A/c:  1666.70215
Please mark payment “Bat.Surname”

Facilities: 8X8 metre campsite, toilet block and shower block.  One vehicle per campsite but unlimited campers, so bring your friends and family.  We have a covered communal eating area, with a table.

Conditions: as per website (www.bathurst12hour.com.au ), but no dogs, no glass, alcohol limit.

Items to bring: Tent or vintage Eccles caravan, sleeping gear and bedding, plate, cup, eating utensils, breakfast and luncheon, collapsible chair, and refreshments.  Pre-war cars are preferable (give us a call- we can try to sort out trailer storage if you want to tow your car up).

Parking: The organisers are hopeful of being able to provide LIMITED secure parking in Bathurst nearby for trailers and modern tow vehicles. So do not hesitate to bring your cyclecar or light car. Please contact the organisers early to make arrangements.

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Opening Rally
10:00 am10:00

Opening Rally

Opening Rally
Picnic Area 2 @ St Ives Showground

The VSCCA has booked Picnic Area 2 of the St Ives Showground from 10am to 3pm for our opening Rally.

This is a well shaded space with a wood barbecue and picnic tables - and it's close to public amenities. It is located beside the Louise Lennon Pavilion which can be used as a wet weather alternative.

You will find the Showgrounds at 450 Mona Vale Road, St Ives. Click the link below to learn about activities at the Showground.


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GEAR Race Day
8:30 am08:30

GEAR Race Day

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Pheasant Wood Circuit, Marulan, NSW

GEAR have invited VSCCA members to participate in their highly successful GEAR Days.

With an entry fee of just $220 ( which includes a carport or garage, subject to availability).  Join in the excitement, mingle with your mates, and take in the sites and sounds as GEAR fires into action for another year of intoxicating enjoyment. You won't be disappointed!!

Entry Fee: $220.

$ 250 for a late entry ( entries received after the 28th of January).

Entry fees include a carport or garage subject to availability.

Entries are by email or post. For more details and entry forms, phone or email Laraine Whitehouse.

  • Mobile: 0408 786 685 (Please no phone calls after 8.00 pm)

  • Post to: 63 Carrick Rd. Carrick NSW 2580.


Cheque - received by the closing date, made payable to GEAR Inc.

Direct debit - Golden Era Auto Racing Club Inc. Westpac Manly    BSB: 032 294     Account: 135512

Please use the reference the “Month”, your initial and surname, or part thereof. (eg: “MONTH” A McMaster). 

If depositing at your bank and you are unable to use this reference, please use your GEAR membership number as a reference or advise Laraine of your alternative reference details if you are not a GEAR member.


Pheasants Wood is located on Jerrara Rd 9km south/west from Marulan Township. Extensive improvements have been made to the site of the former driver training facility to allow uninterrupted views of the entire track from many spectator viewing areas.

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Terrey Hills Tavern lunch
12:00 pm12:00

Terrey Hills Tavern lunch

Midweek Terrey Hills Lunch Run

The 3rd Wednesday of every month we meet for lunch at:

Terrey Hills Tavern
2 Aumuna Road

There is a great variety of food to choose from at reasonable prices. Suitable parking for vintage cars is always available & you can find us in the outside undercover area.

Given the Covid-19 situation, we encourage you to let Sue Miller know if you will be attending. You can call Sue on 0412-712734 or 9449 4731.


Les Miller


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9:30 am09:30



Monday 4 December 2023

Sydney Motorsport Park, Druitt North Circuit, Eastern Creek

GEAR have invited VSCCA members to participate in their highly successful GEAR Days.

Entry Fee: $180. Entry fees include a carport or garage subject to availability.

For further information please contact

Laraine Whitehouse ( Event Secretary)

larainew2@bigpond.com, 0408 786 685 ( No phone calls after 8.00 pm)

View Event →
9:30 am09:30



Monday 23 October 2023

Sydney Motorsport Park, Amaroo Circuit, Eastern Creek

GEAR have invited VSCCA members to participate in their highly successful GEAR Days.

Entry Fee: $180
Entry fees include a carport or garage subject to availability.

For further information please contact

Laraine Whitehouse ( Event Secretary)
0408 786 685 ( No phone calls after 8.00 pm)


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