Bathurst 12-Hr Race Camp Weekend
31 Jan to 3 Fbruary 2025
The best way to view the photographs below is to click on an image to enlarge it and then click on the arrows to go through the entire collection.
The Bathurst Camping weekend was held again in hot conditions.
We had 28 sites and about 38 people in attendance including junior members Henry and William Morris, Aymon Close, James Garnsey, Imogen Morris, Toby Shinfield and Jackson Shinfield.
We had four travel from Victoria - Grant Cowie and Andrew Cox in the FIAT ute and Daniel Clarke and Stuart McCorkelle in the 23/60 saloon. Kiwi Mike joined us from New Zealand joining Todd Barker in the 12/70 Alvis special.
Thanks go to those who helped make a great weekend- Michael Toms for towing the camp gear, Peter Weir for arranging the fabulous 90 km drive on Saturday morning and the cooks, servers and cleaners who all contributed to the weekend's success. Stuart McCorkelle gave us an excellent lecture on patternmaking and casting - a vitally important trade habitually neglected by the government.
I am told it will be on again next year!